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Enhancing Your SMB's Online Presence with Umbraco

Everyone has an online presence these days. Hundreds of thousands of websites are created each day, all competing for the same space in the search results. Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) especially are finding it more difficult to differentiate and create visibility in these results. As this competition increases, SMBs need a reliable and powerful website platform to stand out. Enter Umbraco, a versatile Content Management System (CMS), offering a plethora of features tailored for SMBs. Check out our Complete Guide to Umbraco CMS.


Understanding the Digital Landscape for SMBs

Luckily, there are a sea of opportunities for SMBs, from reaching a global audience via a well-constructed online presence to targeted digital advertising. However, with these opportunities come challenges: staying updated with the latest digital trends, managing online reputation, and ensuring a seamless user experience. A robust CMS acts as a compass, guiding SMBs to results through simple editing experiences, powerful integrations, and search-engine friendly structure. 


Why Umbraco is Ideal for Small to Medium Sized Businesses


Umbraco's open-source nature means it's not a boxed product with limitations. SMBs can tailor the platform to their unique needs. Whether it's custom workflows, specific user roles, or unique content structures, Umbraco's Document Types and Data Types allow businesses to define and manage content in a way that aligns with their operations. 

An experienced Umbraco development agency can even help you dream up new features for your site that will help you to stand out from the competition, without having to change technologies or introduce new functionality. 


Creating a powerful solution in a cost-effective manner is a significant concern for SMBs. With Umbraco, there are no licensing fees, making it an attractive option for businesses looking for a robust CMS without the hefty price tag and ongoing licensing costs. 

The only costs associated with Umbraco are typically for premium plugins or specialized hosting, but these are optional and can be chosen based on the business's specific needs. This means SMBs can allocate funds to other crucial areas like marketing, business development, and product development.


Umbraco is designed to grow with your business. Whether you're starting with a few pages or thousands, the platform remains responsive and efficient. Its load balancing feature ensures that as traffic to your site increases, the user experience remains seamless. Moreover, if an SMB decides to expand its digital offerings, like adding e-commerce or multilingual features, Umbraco can accommodate these needs without requiring a platform switch.

Umbraco will continue to grow with your business and provide your organization with a long-term solution that can be flexible as your needs - and your customers' needs - change. 

User-Friendly Interface

For SMBs without a dedicated tech team, managing a website can seem daunting. Umbraco's back office is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its simple layout makes navigating content straightforward. 

Features like Content Preview allow users to see changes in real-time before publishing, and the version history functionality ensures mistakes can be quickly rectified. The in-line image editing feature allows users to quickly change the focal point of an image without having to re-size and re-upload images. 

This means even non-tech-savvy individuals can manage and update the website with ease.


Key Features of Umbraco Beneficial for SMBs


Content Management

Umbraco's content management system is intuitive and user-friendly, even for those without a technical background. Its Grid Layout allows for easy drag-and-drop functionality, enabling businesses to design pages with ease. The Media Library streamlines the process of uploading and organizing multimedia content, ensuring that images, videos, and documents are easily accessible.

SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for online visibility. Umbraco comes equipped with built-in SEO tools that make optimization straightforward. Features like URL management, canonical URLs, and meta tag control ensure that your content is easily discoverable by search engines. 

Additionally, the platform's clean code structure ensures faster loading times, a factor that search engines consider for rankings.

Responsive Design

With a growing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive design is non-negotiable. Umbraco's adaptive grid system ensures that your website adjusts to fit any screen size, from desktops to smartphones. This not only enhances user experience, but also positively impacts SEO, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites.

Integration Capabilities

Umbraco's flexibility extends to its integration capabilities. Whether you're looking to integrate a marketing automation platform, a CRM system, or social media channels, Umbraco has you covered. Its API-first approach ensures seamless integration with third-party tools. Popular integrations include uCommerce for online shopping features, Umbraco Forms for customized form creation, and Umbraco Courier for content transfer between development environments.


Getting Started with Umbraco

Embarking on your Umbraco journey doesn't have to be a solo endeavor. While Umbraco offers a plethora of tools and resources to get started, partnering with a seasoned expert can make the process even smoother. That's where Marcel Digital comes into play.

Why Choose Marcel Digital?

Expertise: With over 10 years of experience as an Umbraco Gold Partner, we've mastered the intricacies of Umbraco. Our team is well-equipped to bring your vision to life, ensuring your website not only looks great but also performs optimally.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business is unique. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all; instead, we tailor our solutions to fit your specific needs and goals.

End-to-End Support: From the initial consultation to the final launch and beyond, Marcel Digital is with you every step of the way. Our comprehensive support ensures that your website remains updated, secure, and in line with the latest digital trends.

Ready to transform your online presence with Umbraco and Marcel Digital?

Our team of experts is here to help. We've developed and launched Umbraco custom and uSkinned sites for businesses just like yours, helping you make the right choices along the way!


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About the author

Alex Vilmur

Alex Vilmur is a wizard at development and also trumpet. He once auditioned for The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, but found his passion for website development and Umbraco made it too hard to leave.

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