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Website Migration Services

Website migrations can be overwhelming. Not just from the sheer amount of work that goes into them, but also because of the dangers they present to your SEO and your data.

Our team of web development experts focus on migrating websites in an SEO friendly fashion, ensuring that your website doesn’t lose organic visibility and rankings in the process. We offer comprehensive migration services including:

  • Website migrations to new hosting and platforms
  • SEO migrations
  • Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager migrations
  • Domain name migrations

Marcel Digital is a team of digital marketing, web development, Google Analytics, paid media, and usability experts who believe in the interconnectivity of digital efforts. We believe that all of these disciplines work together to execute successful website migrations. Every employee at Marcel Digital is Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager Certified, renewing their certification every year. We also staff a full team of seasoned website developers knowledgeable on many different types of technologies and platforms, ensuring that we bring expertise and personalized solutions to your specific setup.

Website migrations are huge projects, and our team has successfully completed hundreds of them. Let us take on the heavy lifting of your next website migration to reduce your stress and to migrate your site efficiently and effectively.

What is a Website Migration?

In a website migration, a website undergoes substantial URL, structure, content, UX, design, or platform changes. It could be everything from updating the layout of your website to changing the URL structure, or moving your website to a new domain or content management system (CMS).

Types of Website Migrations:

  • Protocol: Changing your website protocol from http to https
  • Subdomain: Changing your website from “” to “”
  • Domain: Changing your website URL from to
  • Top-level domain: Changing your website URL from a .com to a .org, .net, etc., or vice versa
  • Content management system: Moving your website from your current CMS to a new one, for instance, moving from Wordpress or Joomla to the Umbraco CMS
  • Redesign: Making modifications that range from small aesthetic changes to the website layout to a full website revamp with major code and copy changes
  • Structural: Changing the website architecture or structure, which usually means changing either the user flow of a website or the URL structure on which the website is built
  • Hybrid or combination: Using a combination of the above types of migrations

Our Website Migration Services

Website migrations come in all shapes and sizes. Our team of website migration experts tailor solutions directly to your exact needs. We’ve handled hundreds of website migrations since 2003 and have continued to refine our processes as new technologies and digital trends advance.

Whether you are looking for onsite SEO optimizations, comprehensive URL redirect mapping, content analysis, or post-migration support and solutions, Marcel Digital has you covered.

SEO Migration

Our goal with any website migration is to quickly and efficiently move your website, mitigating SEO risk and reducing website downtime during the process. One way we do this is by collaborating with our in-house SEO experts (who are also Moz Oracles) to ensure all pages redirect properly and all SEO best practices are in place at launch. We’ll even score and prioritize your content to give you a roadmap for improving content on the new site and optimizing for search engines moving forward.

Our SEO migration services include:

  • Current site URL crawl and page inventory
  • Analytics benchmarking
  • Comprehensive URL redirect mapping
  • Internal link updates
  • Page canonicalization
  • Duplicate content removal
  • Site move verification with Google and Bing
  • Backlink updates
  • Ranking / visibility benchmarking

Learn more about Marcel Digital’s SEO migration services.

Content Management System Migration

Whether your website is on WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Umbraco, Merchello, DNN Software, TYPO3, or another CMS, our website migration experts at Marcel Digital are ready to seamlessly migrate your current website to your CMS of choice. Over the years, we’ve handled hundreds of website migrations resulting in better website performance and user experience. We create a CMS migration strategy that’s tailored to your specific needs.

Our CMS migration process includes:

  • Evaluate your current website
  • CMS migration strategy
  • In-depth SEO best practices analysis
  • Website design elements migration
  • Import content
  • Test website functionality
  • Review website
  • Launch strategy

Web Hosting Migration

Marcel Digital offers website hosting through our certified partnership with Microsoft Azure and Umbraco Cloud. We host hundreds of small, medium, and enterprise websites, maintaining a consistent 99.9% uptime in the process. Our team ensures your website is available at all times responding optimally to your end users, no matter where in the world they are accessing your website.

Our web hosting migration services include:

  • Helping you evaluate and choose a new web host
  • Creating appropriate backups of your website data
  • Importing your website to a new hosting provider
  • Preventing downtime
  • Implementing the migration process
  • Updating your domain

Learn more about our web hosting & maintenance solutions.

Domain Name Migration

Changing your domain name can be almost as risky as migrating your entire website. Search engines use your domain and domain structure to help crawl your website and a dramatic change could cause chaos.

Our team ensures that an appropriate redirect strategy is in place to help guide search engines and transfer authority to your new domain.

Our domain name migration services include:

  • URL mapping and redirect strategy
  • Consultation on best practice implementations
  • Search engine crawler analysis
  • Repair site navigation and internal links
  • Post migration analysis and recommendations
  • Troubleshoot database errors

While a domain name migration is a fairly straightforward process, there are many factors that can affect a successful migration. Our team will ensure that your domain migration goes smoothly by utilizing our extensive expertise and our access to data and technology.

Headshot of Michael Duquet

I went with Marcel Digital over a larger - and much higher priced - competitor and it's one of the best decisions I've made. Marcel Digital are lovely people to deal with, extremely knowledgeable and approachable and willing to take the time to examine possible solutions that differ from how they would normally proceed. I value the partnership with their company and am planning on having our company be a client of theirs for years to come. Can't recommend them enough.

Michael Duquet / Director, Web Strategy / Absolute Software

Headshot of Ray Fast

Marcel was an excellent thought partner in the evaluation process as we considered major changes to our systems and website. They were willing to engage on many concerns and worries we had approaching the project. Thanks to their help, we felt confident that our concerns could be planned for, and that we had selected the right system for the changes we wanted to make. Their subject matter expertise and client care were exactly what we had hoped for.

Ray Fast / Director, Travel Experience / PerkSpot

Headshot of Kim Rafalowitz

Marcel Digital is simply the best Digital Marketing agency. We hired them years ago, and I can't say enough amazing things about their dedication to the field, to my team, and their phenomenal leadership team. Top-notch professionals all around.

Kim Rafalowitz / Dir. of Global Marketing / Worldpoint



Headshot of Dave Hamilton

I can't believe how simple Marcel Digital and Umbraco Cloud made it to get a beautiful and easy-to-use website. My only regret is not doing this sooner.

Dave Hamilton / Creative Director / StreetWise

Headshot of Mauricio Caneda

We are very pleased with the Umbraco website developed by Marcel Digital. Their Umbraco Master's transparent development process and attention to detail resulted in a beautiful website that has made a tremendous impact on our digital marketing efforts. They continue to be a valued partner and one we recommend without hesitation.

Mauricio Caneda / Sr. Vice President, Chief Information Officer & Director of Operations / Generali USA

Headshot of Diane Locher

Having a partnership with Marcel Digital has been a lifesaver for our business. We could not be happier with their work ethic, attention to detail, and superior expertise. I highly recommend them if you are looking for a talented, and trustworthy partner!

Diane Locher / Director of Sales and Marketing / Precision Medical

Megan Patterson at Arbour Group

Marcel has been a great a partner in our journey into the 21st century. They helped us to build a beautiful and functional Umbraco website, and have been there to help support us anytime a crisis arises. The increase in quality of leads was immediately recognized and anytime there was a change in lead flow our Marcel team was immediately there to offer suggestions and help us stay updated. We truly view Marcel as an extension of our team.

Megan Patterson / International Operations Manager / Arbour Group

Headshot of Andrew Barta

The overall experience of working with the Marcel team is outstanding. They have built a team of all-stars who are easy to communicate with and execute ideas effectively.

Andrew Barta / VP of Partner Relations / Umbraco HQ


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