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Marcel Digital’s 2023 Marketing Associate Program

Welcome to our 2023 Cohort

We're thrilled to introduce the latest additions to the Marcel Digital team! These talented individuals have joined us through Marcel’s Early Talent Program, an annual hiring initiative designed to recruit students right out of college. The program not only welcomes these young professionals into the industry but also provides them with invaluable training and hands-on experience to kickstart their careers.

Having graduated from both UW-Madison and Indiana University Bloomington, these two associates became full-time members of our team on July 10, 2023. They bring a diverse range of experience, skills, and knowledge with them, including web development, marketing, sustainability, and social media.

The entire Marcel team is very excited to bring this group into the fold and we're excited to see what they bring to the team and our clients in the months and years to come. Take a look below to learn more about their individual backgrounds!

Leah Theusch

Leah recently joined Marcel's Digital Marketing Associate Cohort as a new grad from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At UW, she earned her BS in Computer Science and Communication Arts, with a certificate in Digital Media Studies. Through her education and past projects, Leah has experience bringing projects to life through web development and user design. Leah enjoys using her technical expertise and creativity to create clean applications.

In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her three family dogs, working her way through the NYT bestseller list, and spending time with loved ones.

Kendall Wavro

Kendall recently joined Marcel's Digital Marketing Associate Cohort as a new grad from Indiana University. At IU, she studied Marketing, Sustainable Business, and Digital & Social Media Business Applications. Throughout her life, she has found her motivation in working with and helping others and utilized her skills in creative problem-solving, adaptability, and a passion for learning to push forward projects within her University and Business Organization. She is excited to continue her use of these skills at Marcel Digital and increase her skillset.

In her free time, she loves to get outdoors, whether that be a walk with friends, lunch at the park, paddle boarding on the lake, or hiking! She is looking forward to exploring the city more and finding some great sights to inspire future paintings, and delicious foods to elevate her cooking.

2022 Cohort Update

We also want to congratulate our inaugural cohort of Early Talent Marketing Associates as they celebrate their one-year milestone! Over the past year, we’ve witnessed their remarkable growth, and they are already proving to be invaluable members of our team and the work we do here. 

Following the one-year mark, we’re thrilled to share their exciting career progressions: Joe has joined the Web Development team, Natalie has joined the Data and Insights team, and both Kate and Zoe have become Digital Marketing Specialists.

Thank you to both Leah and Kendall for jumping into their new roles and being so quick to embrace the culture of Marcel and congrats to Joe, Kate, Natalie, and Zoe on their achievement! To learn more about all of the people working hard to make Marcel’s clients successful, visit our team page.

  • Company Culture

Tom Kelly headshot

About the author

Tom Kelly

Tom has worked in digital marketing since he started his career over a decade ago, working across the project and account side of the business.

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