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Marcel Digital Participates in Expert Panel: Umbraco as a Composable DXP

As part of the Umbraco US Summit 2022, our very own Kyle Brigham got to participate in a panel of experts discussing the Umbraco CMS as a composable DXP (digital experience platform). He was joined by three other Gold Partners from the Umbraco ecosystem - CTO Filip Bech-Larsen (Umbraco), CEO Martin Balaam (Pimberly), and Solutions Architect Scott Clevenger (Marathon US). Each panelist got to share their thoughts on real-world implementation of composable DXPs, in a panel hosted by Umbraco Communications Specialist Chloé Skye.

In the video below, you can follow along as they discuss the differences between monolithic and composable DXP, the pros and cons of composable solutions, and the business and client opportunities such solutions offer.


"At the end of the day, it's not about the architecture. It's all about the user. We want to build great experiences, and we want to build that in the best way for our customers' businesses."

-Filip Bech-Larsen, Umbraco CTO

Big thanks to Chloé, the other panelists, and everyone at Umbraco for hosting such a phenomenal event in Charlotte, NC last month. It was great to attend and share ideas with other industry experts and we look forward more thought leadership and collaboration soon!

  • Umbraco

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About the author

Tom Kelly

Tom has worked in digital marketing since he started his career over a decade ago, working across the project and account side of the business.