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Getting Started with Umbraco: A Step-by-Step Guide for B2B Companies

If you’re new to Umbraco, buckle up. Umbraco has solidified its place in the world of content management systems (CMS), especially among B2B companies, and continues to provide a slew of features to help B2B organizations better edit and optimize website content. The CMS is not only robust but scalable, ensuring that it can adapt to the evolving needs of businesses and marketing teams. The fact that Umbraco is open source means that it is continually being developed and enhanced by Umbraco HQ and a global community of developers, ensuring that it remains on the cutting edge of technology and security.

For B2B companies, which often navigate through complex customer journeys and sophisticated content management requirements, Umbraco offers a customizable environment that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. In the following guide, we’ll aim to navigate through the initial steps of getting started with Umbraco, ensuring that your B2B company can effectively leverage its myriad of features to manage and optimize your website and content. 


Understanding the Significance of CMS in B2B

In the world of B2B, where transactions are often of higher value and involve longer sales cycles, a CMS that can manage and deliver content - not only on your website but across multiple channels - is pivotal. Umbraco facilitates the creation, management, and optimization of content, ensuring that it is tailored to address the specific needs and challenges of your current and prospective customers. This could range from detailed product descriptions and insightful blog posts to compelling customer testimonials and omnichannel deployment. 

Umbraco enables B2B companies to structure their content in a manner that is engaging and facilitates the customer journey, nurturing leads progressively through the sales funnel. By presenting content that resonates with potential clients and addresses their pain points, B2B companies can enhance their engagement and conversion rates, thereby driving business growth. This can be combined with best-in-class tools to provide personalized experiences and nurturing campaigns to drive customers further down the funnel. 

When first getting started with Umbraco for B2B businesses, there are 7 phases of development to consider:

  1. Installation & Configuration of the Umbraco CMS
  2. Website Structure & Design
  3. Content Creation
  4. SEO Strategy
  5. Best-In-Class Tool Integrations
  6. Monitoring & Analyzing Performance
  7. Ongoing Management and Scaling


Installing and Configuring Umbraco

The installation of Umbraco involves downloading the CMS from their official website and installing it on your web server. Ensure that your server adheres to the minimum requirements stipulated by Umbraco to ensure smooth operation. The installation process is typically straightforward, with guidance provided through each step, ensuring that even those with minimal technical expertise can navigate through it with ease.

Post-installation, configuration of Umbraco involves setting up the database and connecting it to your website. This entails specifying your database type, inputting the connection string, and configuring your web server to operate seamlessly with Umbraco. Ensuring that the database and server are configured correctly is pivotal to ensuring that your content is stored, managed, and delivered efficiently through Umbraco.


Designing and Structuring Your Website

Umbraco offers a number of tools - such as uSkinned - to offer many templates and themes that can serve as a starting point for designing your website. Select a template that resonates with your B2B company’s branding and modify it to align with your aesthetic and preferences. These themes can be customized to encompass various elements including colors, fonts, and layouts, enabling you to create a unique and engaging online presence.



For those seeking a more tailored design, Umbraco provides the capability to create your own custom templates using Razor, a markup syntax for embedding server-based code into webpages. This provides unlimited flexibility and scalability, enabling you to design your website to meet specific requirements and to ensure that it provides an optimal user experience for your B2B customers.


Content Creation and Management

With your site designed and ready, the next step is populating it with content. Umbraco’s rich editing capabilities facilitate the creation and editing of content directly within the CMS, allowing you to easily add text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements to enhance the engagement and informativeness of your content. Umbraco’s Block List Editor provides a simple drag-and-drop interface to allow even the least technical savvy users to update the site quickly and easily. 



Umbraco also allows users to:

  • Simply organize media and assets on the site
  • Utilize global elements to simplify updating content components that are used across multiple pages
  • Update global and footer navigations
  • Customize your theme and theme elements
  • Quickly update images and image focal points
  • Translate and manage content in multiple languages

Effective content management also involves ensuring that your content remains relevant and up-to-date. Umbraco allows you to schedule content updates, ensuring that your website remains current and provides value to your clients. Additionally, by utilizing Umbraco’s content management features, you can ensure that your content is not only engaging but also optimized for search engines to enhance your online visibility.


Implementing SEO Strategies

SEO plays a pivotal role in enhancing your website’s visibility on search engines, thereby driving organic traffic to your site. Umbraco facilitates SEO by providing the capability to customize URLs, add meta tags, and to create SEO-friendly content. Ensure that your content is optimized with relevant keywords and utilize Umbraco’s SEO tools to enhance your website’s search engine ranking, thereby increasing  visibility among potential clients.’ Umbraco is an SEO-friendly CMS, giving editors the ability to adjust and optimize pages to SEO best practices. 

For B2B companies, where clients often conduct thorough online research before engaging with a business, SEO becomes particularly crucial. By ensuring that your website ranks high on search engine results pages, you enhance the likelihood of being noticed by potential clients, thereby driving engagement and conversions.


Integrating with Best-In-Class Business Tools

Umbraco allows for integration with various CRM, ERP, personalization, and marketing automation tools, streamlining operations and providing a seamless user experience for current and prospective customers. These integrations allow you to manage your leads, customers, and campaigns effectively, ensuring that data flows seamlessly between your website and other business tools. For B2B companies, this means that client data, content, and marketing efforts can be managed from a centralized location, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

Integration also facilitates the automation of various processes, such as lead management and email marketing, ensuring that your B2B company can effectively nurture leads and engage clients without manual intervention. By integrating Umbraco with your existing business tools, you can enhance your operational efficiency and ensure that your online and offline operations are seamlessly aligned.

The power of these integrations is truly endless. Automating processes, nurturing, and marketing will help you to increase engagement on the site and to create a tool that works tirelessly for your organization, even when you aren’t online. 


Analyzing and Optimizing Performance

Monitoring and optimizing your website’s performance is crucial to ensuring that it continues to engage clients and drive conversions. Umbraco provides integrated analytics tools that allow you to track visitor behavior, engagement, and conversion rates, providing insights into how your content and website are performing. It also integrates seamlessly with best-in-class analytics tools such as GA4 to give you the full power of these comprehensive reporting platforms. Analyzing this website data allows you to identify areas for improvement and to optimize your content and site accordingly.

For B2B companies, understanding how clients interact with their content can provide valuable insights into their needs and preferences. This data can be utilized to optimize your content strategy, ensuring that it resonates with clients and addresses their pain points. By continuously analyzing and optimizing your website, you can ensure that it remains effective in engaging clients and driving conversions.

Your website should be a living, breathing entity. Making iterative changes to your site will help you to stay relevant and your customers to stay engaged. 


Ongoing Management and Scaling

Umbraco’s scalability ensures that as your B2B company grows, your CMS grows with it. Engage in regular content updates, ensure optimal website functionality, and leverage Umbraco’s features to enhance your online presence. By actively keeping up with the latest Umbraco features and best practices, you can ensure that you continue to leverage the platform effectively.


Our team has been helping B2B organizations build website solutions since 2003. Our fully integrated team of website developers, analytics experts, and SEO practitioners create solutions that are rooted in UX and SEO best practices, as well as the latest technologies. We’d be happy to help you get started with your next website project

Ready to Get Started?

Our team of experts is here to help. We've developed and launched Umbraco custom and uSkinned sites for businesses just like yours, helping you make the right choices along the way!

  • Umbraco

  • Web Development

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About the author

Kyle Brigham

Kyle Brigham is the Chief Strategy Officer at Marcel Digital. He specializes in client services and project management, but also original Nintendo games and ping pong.

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