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What is uSkinned?


Hey there, Kyle at Marcel Digital. What is Uskinned? Uskinned is a product that you can bolt right on top of the Umbraco CMS that comes with a library of pre-built content components. Things like a banner, a split component, a CTA, an image gallery. It has a whole list of content components that you can utilize to structure your website. It also has a number of pre-built themes that helps you see all of these components in different configurations. You can choose one that works best for you and just swap out logos, images, content, font colors. It does give you a lot of options to customize. The only difference is with a custom site you'd actually go through wireframes, custom designs. You'd build all of those components to spec and they're also better for very large integrations or more technically in-depth websites. But if you're just looking for a modern clean website that displays your content in a really great way, Uskinned would be a great option for.

  • Website Development

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