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What is a Headless CMS?


Hey everyone, Kyle at Marcel. You may have recently heard the term headless CMS but what is it and how does it work? Well, let's explain. What is a headless CMS? 

In a traditional content management system, the head refers to the front end or user interface which includes the design and layout of the website or application. The body, or back end of the CMS, is where the content is stored and managed. A headless CMS, on the other hand, separates the content from the presentation layer. This means that the content is stored and managed separately from the front end which can be developed and deployed independently 

So how does a headless CMS work? In a headless CMS content is stored and managed through an API. This API can be used by developers to retrieve and display content in any front end or application they choose. This approach allows for greater flexibility and scalability as the front end can be developed using any technology or platform, including websites, mobile apps, smart watches, and even voice assistance. This means that the same content can be used across multiple channels without the need for separate content management systems 

So what are some of the benefits of a headless CMS? It's flexible- a headless CMS allows developers to create and deploy front ends using any technology or platform they choose. It's scalable- a headless CMS can handle large amounts of content and can be used across multiple channels without the need for separate content management systems. It's also cost effective- a headless CMS reduces the need for expensive custom development and can help reduce the overall cost of development.

So that's the high level on headless CMS. If you have more questions feel free to reach out.

  • Website Development

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