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uSkinned vs. Custom Site


Hey everyone, Kyle here at Marcel Digital. What's the difference between a Uskinned and a custom website? Well, Uskinned is a product that you bolt onto the Umbraco CMS, that gives you access to a library of pre-built content components. Think about it like a theming engine; you choose a theme, swap out your logo, fonts, colors, content, and you basically have a website out of the box.

Whereas with custom, you're actually dreaming up a design for your website. You're working with a designer, you’re coming up with wireframes and designs, and then our team develops each one of those components to the designer's specifications. Custom is also going to be really great if you have larger integrations or you need to kind of integrate with some larger technology. It’s going to give you more scalability in that world.

So, Uskinned is great for typical marketing websites that are mainly content-focused. It does have the ability to do things like a member portal, but generally, you'll keep it pretty basic in the Uskinned world. Whereas with custom, the sky's the limit. We can dream up anything and develop it on the Umbraco CMS.

  • Website Development

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