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Umbraco 7: End of Life


Hey everyone, Kyle here at Marcel Digital. If you have a Umbraco website and you're on version 7, sad news: you've finally reached end-of-life. If you're using this version, it's time to pay attention because I'm going to explain what this means for you and what steps you should take next.

To start, what does end-of-life mean for Umbraco 7? It means that Umbraco will no longer provide official support, updates, or security patches for this version. Your website's security could be at risk if you continue using it.

But does this mean you can no longer use Umbraco 7 for your site? Not exactly. Umbraco 7 will continue to work for your website; however, Umbraco HQ will no longer be providing support for this version moving forward.

So, what should you be thinking about? Well, it's time to plan for an upgrade. Consider moving to the latest and greatest version of Umbraco, which is currently Umbraco 12 and soon to be Umbraco 13 in 2024.

But why should you upgrade? Upgrading means better security, improved performance, and access to new features that can enhance your website's functionality and the back-office experience. In fact, the back-office experience has been completely updated since version 7, so you'll experience an entirely new editing experience that will make you fall in love with Umbraco all over again. Plus, you'll receive ongoing updates and support.

If you're thinking about next steps, begin by determining an upgrade path. If you have the resources internally, check out the official Umbraco website for detailed upgrade guides and documentation. If not, you should consider consulting with an Umbraco Gold Partner such as Marcel Digital to assist you in the upgrade process.

End-of-life can sound scary, but the process to upgrade doesn't have to be. It's crucial to plan your upgrade to a newer version for the sake of your website's security and performance and to experience all of the new features the latest version of Umbraco has to offer.

Thanks for watching, and if you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to drop us a comment.

  • Website Development

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