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Umbraco 12: Features & Benefits


Hey everyone, Kyle and Marcel Digital here. We're all very excited about the latest release of Umbraco 12. But what are the latest features and benefits?

First, the new Content Delivery API. Umbraco 12 now has endless capabilities built right into the core product, no additional installation required. This makes it easy to go headless and manage content across multiple channels effortlessly, such as websites, mobile apps, smartwatches, voice assistants, and more. You'll now get a full omnichannel experience right out of the box. Does this mean Umbraco Heartcore is going away? No, it does not. Heartcore will continue to provide additional features that the Content Delivery API will not, such as CDN features, hashing, GraphQL, and multiple tools in the back office to support Heartcore-specific features.

Second, Umbraco 12 will provide support for Entity Framework Core, a popular library for efficient database access. This will help to boost developer productivity by introducing this popular database access framework.

Third, Umbraco 12 will now be powered by a new version of ImageSharp. ImageSharp 3 supports the latest .NET 6 LTS framework, resulting in better performance and simplified features. Effectively, this update will make generating media assets faster and more efficient.

Also released alongside Umbraco 12 were new versions of Umbraco Forms, Umbraco Deploy, and Umbraco Workflow, all updated to allow for full support running on Umbraco 12.

Visit the Umbraco website for more information on how to get up and running on Umbraco 12 and to read more documentation on all the latest updates. We hope you enjoy the latest Umbraco 12, and let us know what you think!

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