Ever curious where all those Facebook likes come from? If one were to guess, one would probably assume they are from real people that are genuinely excited about a business, service, product, brand, band, or whatever else they want to connect with.
However, YouTube user Veritasium set out to analyze where exactly these likes were coming from. By setting up a fake page and a real FB advertising budget, he quickly realized that he could get likes to his page and his budget would quickly be exhausted. But when he dove in further to glance at the users liking his page, he realized that they tended to be like-happy users that were most likely not interested in the content on the page.
This brings up many questions, but none more than, “Where exactly are these likes coming from?”
Check out the full video below:
Paid Media
About the author
Morgan Oakes
Morgan is the Paid Media Director at Marcel Digital, specializing in creative ways to provide solutions in paid advertising platforms for all types of goals.