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SEO Migrations and Why They're Important


Hi everyone. My name is Vanessa and I’m an SEO Manager at Marcel Digital. Today I’m going to be talking about SEO migrations and their importance. Whether you’re upgrading, redesigning, or just shifting things around, we’ll guide you through how to protect your site’s hard-earned SEO value.

First off, what exactly is an SEO migration? It's the process of maintaining all your SEO efforts through any big changes to your website. This could mean changing your site’s structure, moving to a new domain, or switching to HTTPS.

Why should you care? Without a proper SEO migration, your site might lose traffic, drop in rankings, or worsen user experience. It's not just about moving content; it's about protecting your visibility online.

So let’s break down the key components of an SEO migration at Marcel Digital:

  • First we start off with a Content Audit. This ensures that every valuable piece of content is carefully moved over, preserving its integrity and SEO value.
  • From there, we move on to Redirect Mapping: Here we’ll ensure the proper redirects are in place so that links to your old pages point to the relevant new pages without any problems.
  • And last but not least, Implementation & QA: This phase needs to be perfect. Redirects have to be implemented precisely according to the Mapping phase and must be reviewed extensively following launch. Redirects implemented incorrectly can have devastating effects on your organic performance post launch.

When it comes to SEO migrations, the tools you use can make a big difference. Using resources like Google Search Console and SEO crawlers helps streamline the process.

And remember, an SEO migration isn’t just a necessity—it’s an opportunity to enhance and refresh your website’s SEO strategy!

Thanks so much for watching! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or visit to learn more.

  • SEO

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