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B2B Ignite USA 2023 - Recap


Hey everyone, Kyle at Marcel. I'm at B2B Ignite USA 2023 and couldn't be more excited to be surrounded by so many incredible B2B marketers and thought leaders. We've just wrapped up the first day, and here are some of the biggest takeaways.

To start, there are many shared challenges most B2B organizations are experiencing this year. Despite the ever-increasing availability of data and sophisticated marketing tools, many companies are finding it difficult to achieve desired results. This is likely due to a handful of factors, but the prevailing arguments are that customers have become more sophisticated in their responses to marketing methods, and are numb to much of what has worked in the past. This, combined with the current economic landscape, has caused buyers to decrease budgets, increase consideration periods, and postpone purchasing and projects. The key for B2B marketers is to tighten up focuses and marketing programs to yield higher quality leads. 

Second, buying group marketing emerged as a prominent theme at B2B Ignite. Buying group marketing focuses on understanding the dynamics of multiple groups, and tailoring marketing efforts to address their specific needs and preferences. This methodology could most likely be seen as a natural evolution of account-based marketing in that it focuses on the specific groups of people within a larger organization that would likely consider your product or service and helps move them through the buyer journeys from awareness, consideration, purchase, and beyond. This shift moves us from umbrella targeting an entire account to surgically targeting specific buying groups more likely to consider and purchase. 

Of course, it wouldn't be a B2B conference without account-based marketing (ABM). There were several great sessions on how to better align marketing and sales efforts to target key accounts effectively and build stronger customer relationships. ABM is continuing to evolve as technology gets smarter and teams become more integrated. John Miller at Demand Based put it best, “ABM shouldn’t be about going after accounts you could go after. It should be about going after accounts you can and should go after,”.

And finally if you can believe this, this conference is abuzz with talks on AI. The world of AI has dramatically changed the way we think about content, processes, information gathering, research, and frameworks for B2B marketing. By leveraging AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of customer data. Nvidia is one example that is using this to help identify patterns, preferences, and behaviors that would be otherwise overlooked. AI driven data insights enables marketers to develop personalized, data-driven strategies that resonate with their target audience.

There are a ton of great ideas being shared that we're excited to utilize and integrate into our processes and strategy. We'll share these in more detail in a separate video. B2B Ignite USA is buzzing with these exciting themes and much more. We're excited for many more sessions, and look forward to uncovering more valuable insights and strategies that will empower our marketing efforts and drive better results for our clients. Make sure to follow along as we bring you more highlights from B2B Ignite USA!


Hi there, I'm Morgan, Paid Media Director here at Marcel Digital. Let's talk about Google Search Partners.

Search Partners is a feature within Google Ads that can extend your reach and increase your ad visibility. It can be a valuable addition to your online advertising strategy, but like any tool, it has its own sets of pros and cons that should be carefully considered.

The first pro is expanded reach. One of the biggest advantages of Search Partners is the ability to extend your reach. Your ads are displayed not only on Google search results but also on a network of partner websites and different apps. This means you can connect with a broader audience and reach more users, potentially increasing your brand's exposure.

The second pro is increased website traffic. Search Partners can boost your website traffic significantly by tapping into additional sources of web traffic beyond Google's search results. This means you have the opportunity to attract more visitors to your website.

Now, let's talk about the cons. The first con is the potential for lower quality traffic and conversions. While your ad reach expands, not all the traffic may be highly engaged or quality conversions. It's important to carefully monitor the quality of traffic and make adjustments as needed, as well as make sure you have advanced tracking strategies in place to better understand the quality of the traffic you are serving ads to and the leads being driven.

The second con is budget management challenges. Due to the increased reah and potential for higher click volumes, your advertising budget may be spent faster when you're using Search Partners. This can mean higher costs and a need for more diligent budget management. It's super important to look at the split between Google search and Search Partners, as we often see higher percentages of our ad budget going towards Search Partners if you don't have advanced tracking strategies in place. The third con is monitoring difficulty. Unlike advertising solely on Google, you have less control over where your ads are being displayed on partner websites. This can make it more challenging to monitor and optimize your campaigns effectively. Google also doesn't offer up the details on where your budget is being spent, so Search Partners often result in media dollars being refunded because of invalid clicks from spammy websites.

At the end of the day, Search Partners can be a valuable tool for your business, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons in the context of your business. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or visit to learn more. Thanks for watching.

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