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Ask an Expert: Counting Conversions in GA4


Hi, it's Natalie from Marcel Digital back with another "Ask an Expert" video. Today, we're going to talk about the two conversion counting methods offered in GA4 and which one is best for you.

The first one is "Once per event." This is the default GA4 setting, and it means that any time a conversion is fired, it is recorded. So, for example, if a user fills out a form five times, those five events are counted separately. Google states that this is the best way to track conversions because it gives deeper insight into user behavior. For the most part, the recommended setting of "Once per event" is the one that you should use. However, there may be some instances where you only care about the first action on a conversion event. In that case, you may want to consider switching over to "Once per session." Be aware though that this is not retroactive, so it won't affect any data that's already been collected.

Thank you so much for watching, and as always, if you have any more GA4 questions or you're a little bit confused about something, please leave it in the comments down below. Talk soon!

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